Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Alright, this is what it is...

I am temporarily off official DAVID matters for now. I'm just trying to finish this undergrad with some grace. It was a tough choice to make but I'm glad I finally made a decision, you know. I've got only a few months left for my undergrad but my entire life to work on DAVID.

BUT this isn't any goodbye. I hate goodbyes (except to bad rubbish)! I'll just probably not be posting a lot of DAVID related stuff for a while. I was also meant to put some really gorgeous accessories that were supposed to be hand-made by me but I guess that'll be my return gift to you all.

So hopefully I'll still be blogging almost not as weirdly as I have been doing lately. *We'll keep our fingers crossed for this one, hehe*

Thanks for all the support and love you DAVID-lovers have shown! You guys are truly the best!!!

Yours truly,


Anonymous said...

come back soon mama... miss u... hope ur having a great summer

Anya Posh said...

hunny, isn't the undergrad done by now? you need to come back to us!

Anonymous said...

come on bbz... saw ur clothes!!! fabulous!
